Research question: Does domicile has an effect on voting?
Hypothesis: Those who live in big cities are more likely to vote than those who live in small cities.
fre domicil.
RECODE domicil (1 2=1)(3 thru 5=0) into domicil_dummy.
VARIABLE LABELS domicil_dummy ‘Big city or outskirts vs not big city’.
VALUE LABELS domicil_dummy 1’Big city or outskirts’ 0’Not big city’.
fre domicil domicil_dummy.
fre vote.
RECODE vote (1 =1)(2=0) into vote_dummy.
VARIABLE LABELS vote_dummy ‘Voted last national election 2 categories’.
VALUE LABELS vote_dummy 1’Voted’ 0’Not voted’.
fre vote vote_dummy.
LOGISTIC REGRESSION vote_dummy WITH domicil_dummy.

b0: the log odds for the category 1 of the dependent variable when the independent variable’s category is 0
b0: The log odds of voting among people living in small cities are 0.927.
b1: how much larger or smaller the log odds becomes as the independent variable increases by 1 unit.
b1: The log odds of voting among people living in big cities or outskirts are by 0.333 higher than among people living in small cities.
b0+b1: the log odds for category 1 of the dependent variable when the independent variable’s category is 1.
b0+b1: The log odds of voting among people living in big cities or outskirts is 1,26 (0,927+0,333=1,26).
Exp(b1): The odds of voting among people living in big cities or outskirts are 1.395 times as high as among people living in small cities.
Exp(b0): The odds of voting among people living in small cities are 2.527.
Exp(b0+b1)=Exp(b0)*Exp(b1)= the odds of voting among people living in big cities are (2,527*1,395).
Conclusion: The results support the hypothesis stating that “Those who live in big cities are more likely to vote than those who live in small cities.” (p<0,05 and Exp(b1)=1.395).
Another example
Hypothesis: Place of living has an influence on voting. More people from big cities vote in comparison to not big cities. (I turned off the weighting.)
weights off.
RECODE vote (1=1) (2 thru 3=0) INTO vote_dummy.
VARIABLE LABELS vote_dummy ‘voted last election dummy’.
VALUE LABELS vote_dummy 0’no’ 1’yes’.
FREQUENCIES vote vote_dummy.
fre domicil.
RECODE domicil (1 2=1) (3 thru 5=0) INTO domicil_dummy.
VARIABLE LABELS domicil_dummy ‘domicil dummy’.
VALUE LABELS domicil_dummy 1’big city’ 0’not a big city’.
FREQUENCIES domicil domicil_dummy.
LOGISTIC REGRESSION vote_dummy WITH domicil_dummy.

b1: The log odds of voting for people who live in a big city is by 0.725 higher than for small city residents.
b0+b1: The log odds of voting for residents of big city is 1.126. (b0+b1=0,401+0,725=1,126)
Exp(b1): The odds for belonging to category one of the dependent variable, which is voting, is 1,494 times as high when a person lives in a big city as a person does not live in a big city.
The odds of voting among people living in a big city are 49.4% higher than among those not living in a big city. (1.494-1)*100=49,4%
Exp(b0): The odds of voting for people living in a small city are 2.064.
Exp(b0+b1)=Exp(b0)*Exp(b1)=The odds of voting for people living in a big city are 3,558 (b0*b1=1.494*2,064).
Conclusion: Yes, the results support the hypothesis, because the p-value is lower than 0,05 and the Exp(b1) shows that people living in big cities are more likely to vote than people living in small cities. (Exp(b1)=1,494)