Hypothesis: A higher proportion of those who feel close to the country voted on the last national election than those who don’t feel close to the country.

Because voting habits might depend on whether one feels close to the country, thus, voting habits is the dependent variable because we think it depends on the other factor. In other words: voting might depend on whether people feel close to the country or not.

fre fclcntr.
RECODE fclcntr (1 2=1)(3 4=0) INTO fcltcntr_2cat.
VARIABLE LABELS fcltcntr_2cat ‘feeling close to country _2cat’.
VALUE LABELS fcltcntr_2cat 0’Not close’ 1’Close’.
fre fclcntr fcltcntr_2cat.

fre vote.
RECODE vote (1=1) (2=0) INTO vote_2cat.
VARIABLE LABELS vote_2cat ‘voted on the last national elections 2cat’. VALUE LABELS vote_2cat 0 “didn’t vote” 1 ‘voted’. FORMATS vote_2cat(F1.0).
fre vote vote_2cat.

LOGISTIC REGRESSION vote_2cat WITH fcltcntr_2cat.

0-did not vote
0-not close

Exp(b1): The odds of voting among those who feel close to the country are 2.513 times as high as among those who don’t feel close to the country.

Exp(b0): The odds of voting among those who don’t feel close to the country are 1.095.

Exp(b0)*Exp(b1): The log odds of voting among those who feel close to the country are (2,513*1,095).

b1: The log odds of voting among those who feel close to the country are by 0.922 higher than among those who don’t feel close to the country.

b0: The log odds of voting among those who don’t feel close to the country are 0,091.

Conclusion: The results support the hypothesis because the odds for voting among those who feel close to the country are significantly higher than among those who do not feel close to the country. The p-value is higher than 0,05.