Satisfaction with economy age
Hypothesis: The older the person is the more likely he is to be satisfied with the current state of the economy in the country.
weight by pweight.
fre stfeco.
RECODE stfeco (0 thru 5=0)(6 thru 10=1) into stfeco_2cat.
VARIABLE LABELS stfeco_2cat ‘Satisfied or not with present state of economy in country 2cat?’.
VALUE LABELS stfeco_2cat 0’not satisfied’ 1’satisfied’.
fre stfeco stfeco_2cat.
fre agea.
Conclusion: The results refute the hypothesis stating that “the older the person is the more likely he is to be satisfied with the current state of the economy in the country.” We get to this conclusion because the p-value (p=0,928) is higher than 0,05. The value of the Exp(b1) in this case exactly 1, which shows no effect.