Hypothesis: A higher proportion of women don’t feel safe while walking alone in local areas after dark than men.

Note: Since your hypothesis refers to those who don’t feel safe you should code 1 as those who don’t feel safe.

weight off.
fre gndr.
RECODE gndr (1=0) (2=1) INTO gndr_cat.
VARIABLE LABELS gndr_cat ‘Are you male or female’.
Value labels gndr_cat 0 ‘male’ 1 ‘female’.
fre gndr gndr_cat.

fre aesfdrk.
RECODE aesfdrk (1 2=0) (3 4=1) INTO aesfdrk_cat.
VARIABLE LABELS aesfdrk_cat ‘Are you feel safety of walking alone in local area after dark?’.
Value labels aesfdrk_cat 0 ‘Safe’ 1 ‘Not safe’.
fre aesfdrk aesfdrk_cat.

LOGISTIC REGRESSION aesfdrk_cat WITH gndr_cat.

1-not safe

Exp(b1): The odds of not feeling safe among women are 1.38 times as high as among men.
Exp(b0): The odds of not feeling safe are 0,303 among men.
Exp(b0)*Exp(b1): The odds of not feeling safe are (1,38*0,303) among women.

b1: The logarithm of the odds of not feeling safe among women are by 0,322 higher than among men.
b0: The logarithm of the odds of not feeling safe is -1,195 among men.
b1+b0: The logarithm of the odds of not feeling safe among women is (b0+b1=-1,195+0,322).

Conclusion: The results support the hypothesis, stating that “a higher proportion of women don’t feel safe while walking alone in local areas after dark than men. (p<0,05 and b1=1,380).