Paid job-gender
Hypothesis: A higher proportion of women have a paid job.
fre gndr.
RECODE gndr (1=0)(2=1) INTO gndr_dummy.
VARIABLE LABELS gndr_dummy ‘Gender dummy’.
VALUE LABELS gndr_dummy 0’Male’ 1’Female’.
fre gndr gndr_dummy.
fre pdjobev.
RECODE pdjobev (1=1)(2=0) INTO pdjobev_dummy.
VARIABLE LABELS pdjobev_dummy ‘Ever had a paid job dummy variable’.
VALUE LABELS pdjobev_dummy 0’No’ 1’Yes’.
fre pdjobev pdjobev_dummy.
LOGISTIC REGRESSION pdjobev_dummy WITH gndr_dummy.
b0: the log odds for category 1 of the dependent variable when the independent variable’s category is 0
b0: the log odds for having a paid job among men are 1.431.
b1: how much larger or smaller the log odds become as the independent variable increases by 1 unit.
b1: the log odds of having a paid job among women is by 0.113 higher than among men.
b0+b1: the log odds for category 1 of the dependent variable when the independent variable’s category is 1.
b0+b1: the log odds of having a paid job among women are (b0+b1=1.431+0,113)
Exp(b1): the odds of having a paid job among women are 1.120 times as high as among men.
Exp(b1): the odds of having a paid job among men are 4.182.
Exp(b0+b1)=Exp(b0)*Exp(b1)= The odds of having a paid job among women are (4,182*1,120).
Conclusion: The results refute the hypothesis stating that”a higher proportion of women have a paid job” (p>0,05). We don’t have evidence for concluding this.