Research question: Does having a job or not have an effect on how much power does one feel over his or her life?

Hypothesis: Those who do not have a job feel more power over their life than those who have a job.

We check in the variable view if our independent variable is coded into 0 and 1. We see that it is not coded like this, so we recode the variable into 0-no and 1-yes.

Having a job has 1% effect on how much people believe that they have power over their life (p<0,001).

On average, people who do not have a job feel that they have a 6.24 point power over their life. On the scale of 10, 10 means that they feel an absolute power over their life, so our 6.24 means that people who do not have a job they mostly believe that they have a power over their life.

The difference in average level of power over life between people who have a job and those who do not have a job is 0,451 points. This indicates that those who have a job feel 0,451 points more power over their life than those who do not have a job. Thus, the results refute my hypothesis stating that “that those who do not have a job feel more power over their life than those who have a job” (p<0,001).